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​What do you do when you want to be active but you're also in pain?

That's when it's time to bring in an expert. Utilizing almost a decade of experience, I will choose the right techniques and tests to examine your situation and give you a comprehensive assessment of not only what the suspected problem is but also how to best treat it.

Free Consultation!


Some things hurt, but getting information doesn't have to :)

What exactly IS a functional movement?

In essence, it means your body can move the way you need it to, without any pain, restrictions, or other difficulty. There are certain movements we all should be able to do. These can be loosely defined in to seven categories: squat, lunge, push, pull, bend, twist, and gait (walk). Difficulty with one or more of these movements means that your body has to compensate in other ways for you to accomplish what you need to; that in turn sets you up for problems in other parts of your body because it's now taking on more than it should. As you can imagine, this can lead to life-long pain and difficulties.



You could decide to take action and work towards a solution. With the right corrective exercise plan, you will very likely be able to reduce if not eliminate the pain altogether. You might be able to avoid surgeries. And best of all, you have a much better chance at being able to go about leading the life you want to live!

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